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Dr F. Pieter Wagenaar

Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Short Biography

Study Pieter Wagenaar studied at the department of history at Leiden (1987-1992). From 1997-1998 he read document management at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.

Work Pieter became PhD-student at the history department of Leiden University in 1993. In 1997 he defended his thesis, called "Dat de regeringe niet en bestaet by het corpus van de magistraet van Den Hage alleen": de Societeit van 's-Gravenhage (1587-1802): een onderzoek naar bureaucratisering (Hilversum 1999) [a study on bureaucratization at local government level]. In 1998 he became assistant professor at the department of public administration at Leiden University, where he partook in Mark Rutgers' pioneer project The Renaissance of Public Administration. In 2001 he was appointed assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He was co-applicant of the NWO research project Under Construction, a cooperation between the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Universiteit Leiden, which started in 2006. He currently partakes in the ITN Heriland project, which has started in 2019. He is active in the AOb trade union.

Teaching Since 1994 Pieter has lectured in the departments of history and public administration for undergraduates, and graduates both Dutch and foreign, on topics such as Dutch History, administrative history, informatization of administration, and introductory PA.

Research Pieter has published on a range of topics concerning the informatization of pa, the history of pa and the history of PA.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'De Societeit van 's-Gravenhage, een bijzonder belasting-inningsorgaan', Jaarboek die Haghe (1994) 9-19. 
  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'The "waardgelders" of Den Haag' In: Marco van der Hoeven ed., Exercise of arms: warfare in the Netherlands, 1568-1648 (Leiden 1997) 211-230. 

  • F.P. Wagenaar, 'Review of J.C. Streng. 'Stemme in staat.' De bestuurlijke elite in de stadsrepubliek Zwolle, 1579-1795 (Hilversum 1997)', De Zeventiende Eeuw 14:2 (1998) 289.

  • F.P. Wagenaar, "Dat de regeringe niet en bestaet by het corpus van de magistraet van Den Hage alleen": de Societeit van 's-Gravenhage (1587-1802): een onderzoek naar bureaucratisering (Hilversum 1999). 

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Delegatie onder toezicht. Financiele relaties tussen gewestelijk en lokaal; bestuur tijdens de Republiek: de casus Den Haag' in: Tom Pfeil e.a. ed., Steden en dorpen in last. Historische aspecten van lokale belastingen en financien. NEHA-SERIES III (Amsterdam 1999) 59-73. 

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Early fragments of Dutch administrative theory: Berkhout (1609-1672) on politics ('souvereine hooch overicheijt') and administration ('subalterne ampten')', Jahrbuch fuer europaeische Verwaltungsgeschichte/Yearbook of European administration history 12 (2000) 203-221. 

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Bureaucratie v.s. middenveld: nieuwe bestuurshistorische studies', Bestuurswetenschappen 54:3 (2000) 251-258.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Studying the stillborn: the ideology of the Estates’ absolutism and proto-bureaucratic thought in the 17th century Dutch Republic', International Review of Administrative Sciences 68 (2002) 95-112. 

  • With Mark Rutgers, Bas van Gool and David Farmer, 'Public Voices Symposium: Through the Wall: Images of Administration out of Time, out of Place-An introduction', Public Voices VI:1 (2002) 1-3.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Paulus Teding van Berkhout: the more I know him the less I understand him', Public Voices VI:1 (2002) 5-10. 

  • With Mark Rutgers, Jos Raadschelders and Patrick Overeem, 'Against a study of the history of Public Administration', Administrative Theory & Praxis 22:4 (2000) 772-791. 

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Review of Paul Knevel, Het Haagse bureau. 17de-eeuwse ambtenaren tussen staatsbelang en eigenbelang (Amsterdam 2001)', BMGN 116:4 (2001) 521-522.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Amministrazione pubblica e guerra', Italia Contemporanea 222 (2001) 161-164.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Review of Geert H. Janssen, Het stokje van Oldenbarnevelt. (Hilversum, 2001)', De Zeventiende Eeuw 18:1 (2002) 94.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'BNG en NWB. 40e aanvulling/juni 2001' in kernred. H. Daalder, C.J.M. Schuyt ; met medew. van: W.E. Bakema ... [et al.]. Compendium voor politiek en samenleving in Nederland (Alphen aan den Rijn 2002) C1500-1 - C1500-10.

  • Frits M. van der Meer and F. Pieter Wagenaar, 'The disentanglement of state and church in The Netherlands', Jahrbuch fuer europaeische Verwaltungsgeschichte/Yearbook of European administration history 14 (2002) 83-96.

  • F. Pieter Wagenaar, 'Wine turned sour? Seijs, Scheepmaker and the public-private dichotomy' in: Mark. R. Rutgers ed., Retracing Public Administration (Amsterdam etc. 2003) 107-143.

  • Pieter Wagenaar and Stefan Soeparman, 'The permanence of paradigms. The integration of the Dutch police's information domains and its (non)effects', Information Polity 8 (2003) 103-116.

  • F. Pieter Wagenaar en Mark R. Rutgers, 'Caught between Polis and Empire. On Centralization and Decentralization in Public Administration Theory', Administrative Theory & Praxis 26:4 (2004) 509-522.

  • F. Pieter Wagenaar, 'Excises, postal services, oaths of office and property taxes. How small local administrative adjustments led to large changes in intergovernmental relations', Administrative Theory & Praxis 26:4 (2004) 545-565.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Haagse bestuurders en ambtenaren' in: Th.F.Wijsenbeek-Olthuis ed., Den Haag - geschiedenis van de stad 2. De tijd van de Republiek (Zwolle 2005) 90-120.

  • Pieter Wagenaar and Stefan Soeparman, ' Coping with the Dilemma of Common Pool Information Resourcing: integrating information domains in the Dutch Police ', Information Polity 9:3/4 (2004) 181-192.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, Otto van der Meij and Manon van der Heijden, 'Corruptie in de Nederlanden, 1400-1800', Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis 2:4 (2005) 3-21.

  • Pieter Wagenaar and Otto van der Meij, 'Een schout in de fout? Fred Riggs' prismatische model toegepast op de zaak Van Banchem', Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis 2:4 (2005) 22-46.

  • Maurits Ebben and Pieter Wagenaar (eds.), De cirkel doorbroken. Met nieuwe ideeen terug naar de bronnen. Opstellen over de Republiek (Leiden 2006). 

  • Maurits Ebben en Pieter Wagenaar, 'De cirkel doorbroken. Met nieuwe ideeen terug naar de bronnen' in: Maurits Ebben and Pieter Wagenaar (eds.), De cirkel doorbroken. Met nieuwe ideeen terug naar de bronnen. Opstellen over de Republiek (Leiden 2006) 7-12.

  • F.P. Wagenaar and C.O. van der Meij, ‘Johan van Banchem en de zedenwets-handhaving. De morele dilemma’s van een zeventiende-eeuwse baljuw’ in: Maurits Ebben and Pieter Wagenaar (eds.), De cirkel doorbroken. Met nieuwe ideeen terug naar de bronnen. Opstellen over de Republiek (Leiden 2006) 71-84.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Review of: Andries  Hoogerwerf,  Wegwijzers voor politici. Van Hammoerabi tot heden', Beleidswetenschap 20:2 (2006) 67-68.

  • Stefan Soeparman and Pieter Wagenaar, 'Administrative innovation in the Dutch Police sector: On concern-wide information management as a federative common-pool resource' in: Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko and Matti Malkia (eds.) Encyclopedia of Digital Government (London etc. 2006) 215-219.

  • Stefan Soeparman and Pieter Wagenaar, 'Informatization as a catalyst to horizontalization in the Dutch police system' in: Victor Bekkers, Hein van Duivenboden and Marcel Thaens (eds.), Information and communication technology and public innovation: assessing the ICT-driven modernization of public administration (Amsterdam 2006) 159-171.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Review of: Jong, R. de, Electorale cultuur en politieke orientatie: verkiezingen in Gelderland, 1888-1940', Openbaar Bestuur 10 (2006) 31-32.

  • Peter Groenewegen and Pieter Wagenaar, 'Managing emergent information systems: towards understanding how public information systems come into being', Information Polity 11:2 (2006) 135-148.  

  • Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Review of: Vermeesch, G., Oorlog, steden en staatsvorming: de grenssteden Gorinchem en Doesburg tijdens de geboorte-eeuw van de Republiek (1570-1680), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006, ISBN 10 90 5356 882 4.’, Openbaar Bestuur 17:9 (2007) 20.

  • Frans Jorna en Pieter Wagenaar, 'The Iron Cage Strengthened? Discretion and digital discipline', Public Administration 85:1 (2007) 189-214.   

  • Pieter Wagenaar and Joris van Eijnatten, ‘Dutch administrative thought and practice during the early modern period. A review essay’, Jahrbuch fuer europaeische Verwaltungsgeschichte/Yearbook of European administration history 19 (2007) 271-284.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Review of: Emmanuel Kreike, William Chester Jordan (eds), Corrupt histories. Studies in comparative history (Rochester, N.Y. 2006)’, Crime, Histoire & Societes/Crime, History & Societies 11: 2 (2007) 151-153.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'De "makelaars" van Karel V. Recensie van Serge ter Braake, Met recht en rekenschap (Hilversum 2007). Openbaar Bestuur 10 (2008) 31.

  • Peter Groenewegen and Pieter Wagenaar, ‘VO as an alternative to hierarchy in the Dutch Police Sector’ in: Goran D. Putnik and Maria Manuela Cunha (eds.), Encyclopedia of networked and virtual organizations (Hershey/London 2008) 1851-1857.

  • Pieter Wagenaar and Kees Boersma, ‘Soft sister and the rationalization of the world: the driving forces behind increased surveillance’, Administrative Theory & Praxis 30:2 (2008) 184 – 206.

  • Jeroen Wolbers, Peter Groenewegen and Pieter Wagenaar, ‘ICT to Facilitate Emergency Response in The Netherlands’ in: Janet Salmons and Lynn Wilson, Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational Synergy (IGI Global, Hershey 2008) 626-636.

  • Joris van Eijnatten, James Kennedy, Mark Rutgers and Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Corruption and Public Values in Historical and Comparative Perspective: An Introduction’, Public Voices X:2 (2008) 3-6.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Classical corruption: Hugo van Arckel, dike warden of the Krimpenerwaard, and the corruption of his time’, Public Voices X:2 (2008) 44-57.

  • Stefan Soeparman, Hein van Duivenboden, Pieter Wagenaar and Peter Groenewegen, ‘ICTs and the limits of integration: Converging professional routines and ICT support in colocated emergency response control rooms’, Information Polity 13 (2008) 195–211.

  • Albert Meijer, Kees Boersma & Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Hypes: Love Them or Hate Them’ in: Albert Meijer, Kees Boersma and Pieter Wagenaar (eds.), ICTs, Citizens & Governance: After the Hype! (2009) 3-9.

  • F.P. Wagenaar, F.K. Boersma, P. Groenewegen and P. Niemantsverdriet, ‘Coping with ‘co-location’: Implementing C2000 and GMS in the Dutch police region ‘Hollands-Midden’ in: Albert Meijer, Kees Boersma and Pieter Wagenaar (eds.), ICTs, Citizens & Governance: After the Hype! (2009) 119-134.

  • F.K. Boersma, F.K., P. Groenewegen and P. Wagenaar, ‘Emergency Response Rooms in Action: an ethnographic case-study in Amsterdam’ in: J. Landgren and S. Jul, (eds.) Proceeding of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference (Gothenburg, 2009) 1-8.

  • Albert Meijer, Kees Boersma and Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Unraveling and understanding the e-government hype’ in: Albert Meijer, Kees Boersma and Pieter Wagenaar (eds.), ICTs, Citizens & Governance: After the Hype! (2009) 256-265.

  • F.P. Wagenaar e.a., 'Meldkamers in actie:  dilemma's tussen bestuur, uitvoering en informatisering', Openbaar Bestuur 20:3 (2010) 8-10.

  • Simon Groenveld, Pieter Wagenaar en Frits van der Meer,'Pre-Napoleonic centralization in a decentralized polity: the case of the Dutch Republic ', International Review of Administrative Sciences 76:1 (2010) 47-64.

  • F.K. Boersma, F.P. Wagenaar and J. Wolbers, 'Organizing Emergent Safety Organizations. The travelling of the concept "Netcentric Work" in the Dutch Safety sector' in: S. French, B. Tomaszewski and C. Zobel (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (Seattle 2010) 1-6.

  • Antoon D.N. Kerkhoff, Michel P. Hoenderboom, D.B.Ronald Kroeze en F.Pieter Wagenaar, 'Dutch Political Corruption in Historical Perspective: From Eighteenth Century Value Pluralism to A Nineteenth Century Dominant Liberal Value System and Beyond' in: Niels Gruene und Simona Slanicka (ed), Korruption. Historische Annaeherungen an eine Grundfigur politischer Kommunikation (Goettingen 2010) 443-467.

  • Gjalt de Graaf, Patrick von Maravic, and Pieter Wagenaar (eds), The Good Cause. Theoretical Perspectives on Corruption (Opladen & Farmington Hills 2010).

  • Gjalt de Graaf, Pieter Wagenaar, and Michel Hoenderboom, 'Constructing corruption' in: Gjalt de Graaf, Patrick von Maravic, and Pieter Wagenaar (eds), The Good Cause. Theoretical Perspectives on Corruption (Opladen & Farmington Hills 2010) 98-114.

  • Gjalt de Graaf, Patrick von Maravic and Pieter Wagenaar, 'Introduction - the right question or the right perspective?' in: Gjalt de Graaf, Patrick von Maravic, and Pieter Wagenaar (eds), The Good Cause. Theoretical Perspectives on Corruption (Opladen & Farmington Hills 2010) 13-20.

  • Gjalt de Graaf, Patrick von Maravic, and Pieter Wagenaar , 'Concepts, causes, and the neglected third party: the victim of corruption' in: Gjalt de Graaf, Patrick von Maravic, and Pieter Wagenaar (eds), The Good Cause. Theoretical Perspectives on Corruption (Opladen & Farmington Hills 2010) 166-174.

  • Pieter W.G. Bots, F. Pieter Wagenaar, and Rolf Willemse, 'Assimilation of Public Policy Concepts Through Role-Play: Distinguishing Rational Design and Political Negotiation', Simulation & Gaming 41:5 (2010) 743-766.

  • Kees Boersma, Peter Groenewegen and Pieter Wagenaar, 'The Information Management of Co-Located Emergency Response Rooms in The Netherlands' in: Hakikur Rahman (ed.), Cases on Adoption, Diffusion, and Evaluation of Global E-Governance Systems: Impact at the Grass Roots (Hershey/New York 2010) 107-116.

  • Frans Jorna, Pieter Wagenaar, Enny Das, and Jan Jezewski en,'Public-private partnership in Poland. A cosmological journey', Administration & Society 42:6 (2010) 668-693.

  • F.P. Wagenaar, T. Kerkhoff, M. Rutgers (red.), Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat (Bussum 2011).

  • Pieter Wagenaar, Mark Rutgers, en Toon Kerkhoff, 'Een bestuursgeschiedenis van Nederland' in: Pieter Wagenaar, Mark Rutgers, en Toon Kerkhoff (Red.) Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat (Bussum 2011) 11-30.

  • S. Groenveld en Pieter Wagenaar, 'De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden: het 'makelaarskarakter van het Nederlandse openbaar bestuur (1555-1795)' in: Pieter Wagenaar, Mark Rutgers, en Toon Kerkhoff (Red.) Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat (Bussum 2011)90-148.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Recent corruption studies: a review/Aktuelle Korruptionsforschung: ein Ueberblick', Neue Politische Literatur 56 (2011) 61-69.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, 'Extortion and Abuse of Power in the Dutch Republic: The Case of Bailiff Lodewijk van Alteren', International Journal of Public Administration 34:11 (2011) 731-740.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, Recensie van M. Damen & L. Sicking (red.), Bourgondie voorbij. De Nederlanden 1250-1650. Liber alumnorum voor Wim Blockmans, Openbaar bestuur 3 (2011) (Hilversum 2010) 25-26.

  • Wagenaar, Pieter, Gjalt de Graaf, and Merlijn van Hulst. "Policy, Constructivist Models." International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Ed. Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2011. 1880-82.

  • Pieter Wagenaar and Kees Boersma, 'Zooming in on ‘heterotopia’: CCTV-operator practices at Schiphol Airport', Information Polity 17 (2012) 7–20. Also published as: Pieter Wagenaar, Kees Boersma,Zooming in on ‘heterotopia’: CCTV-operator practices at Schiphol Airport’ In: C. William R. Webster, Eric Töpfer, Francisco R. Klauser, Charles D. Raab (Eds.), Video Surveillance - Practices and Policies in Europe (Amsterdam 2012) 66 – 79.

  • Boersma, Kees, Wagenaar, Pieter, and Wolbers, Jeroen, ‘Negotiating the 'Trading Zone'. Creating a Shared Information Infrastructure in the Dutch Public Safety Sector’,  Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 9:2 (2012) Article 6.

  • M.P. Hoenderboom, A.D.N. Kerkhoff, D.B.R. Kroeze, & F.P. Wagenaar, 'Integriteit in historisch perspectief' in: J.H.J. van den Heuvel, L..C.J. Huberts & E.R. Muller & (Eds.), Integriteit. Integriteit en integriteitsbeleid in Nederland (Deventer, 2012) 69-84.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, ‘18- eeuwse overheidsfinanciën: kleine veranderingen met grote gevolgen’ in: Henk Boels (Red.), Overheidsfinanciën tijdens de Republiek en het Koninkrijk, 1600-1850 (Hilversum 2012) 119-135. Previously published as: F. Pieter Wagenaar, 'Excises, postal services, oaths of office and property taxes. How small local administrative adjustments led to large changes in intergovernmental relations', Administrative Theory & Praxis 26:4 (2004) 545-565.

  • Toon Kerkhoff, Ronald Kroeze, Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Corruption and the Rise of Modern Politics in Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Comparison between France, the Netherlands, Germany and England’, Journal of Modern European History 11:1 (2013) 19-30.

  • Toon Kerkhoff, Ronald Kroeze, Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Conclusion’, Journal of Modern European History 11:1 (2013) 130-133.

  • Kees Boersma, Rosamunde Van Brakel, Chiara Fonio, Pieter Wagenaar (Eds.), Histories of State Surveillance in Europe and Beyond (Routledge, London & New York, 2014).

  • Kees Boersma, Rosamunde Van Brakel, Chiara Fonio & Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Introduction: Histories of State Surveillance in Europe and Beyond’, Kees Boersma, Rosamunde Van Brakel, Chiara Fonio & Pieter Wagenaar (Eds.), Histories of State Surveillance in Europe and Beyond (Routledge, London & New York, 2014) 1-14.

  • Friso Roest, Johan van Someren, Miek Wijnberg, Kees Boersma, & Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Policy windows for surveillance: the phased introduction of the identification card in the Netherlands since the early twentieth century’, Kees Boersma, Rosamunde van Brakel, Chiara Fonio & Pieter Wagenaar (Eds.), Histories of State Surveillance in Europe and Beyond (Routledge, London & New York, 2014) 150-169.

  • Recensie van: Network Governance in Response to Acts of Terrorism: Comparative Analyses, Naim Kapucu. Routledge, New York, 2012, 281 pp in: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 22:1 (2014) 67.

  • Kees Arts, Steffie Van Den Berg, Adinda Lodders, Pieter Wagenaar, Daniel De Wit, ‘Making sense behind the lens: closed circuit television and the Dutch customs office’, Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics 3:2 (2014) 32-45.

  • Toon Kerkhoff and Pieter Wagenaar, ‘History, public ethics and the anti-corruption industry’ In: Alan Lawton, Zeger van der Wal, Leo Huberts (Eds.), Ethics in Public Policy and Management: a global research companion (Londen/New York 2016) 69-86.

  • Jeroen Rodenberg & Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Essentializing ‘Black Pete’: Competing Narratives Surrounding the Sinterklaas Tradition in the Netherlands’, International Journal of Heritage Studies 22:9 (2016) 716-728.

  • Leon Kee, Koen Kraassenberg, Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Decentralizing Dutch police information’ In: Hans Boutellier & Willem Trommel (Eds.), Emerging Governance: Crafting communities in an improvising society (Den Haag 2017)  107-117.

  • Jeroen Rodenberg & Pieter Wagenaar (Eds.), Cultural Contestation. Heritage, Identity and the Role of Government (Cham 2018).

  • Pieter Wagenaar and Jeroen Rodenberg , ‘Acting in a National Play: Governmental Roles Duringthe Zwarte Piet Contestation’ in: Jeroen Rodenberg & Pieter Wagenaar (Eds.), Cultural Contestation. Heritage, Identity and the Role of Government (Cham 2018) 283-314.

  • Jeroen Rodenberg and Pieter Wagenaar, ‘Cultural Contestation: Heritage, Identity and the Role of Government’ in: Jeroen Rodenberg & Pieter Wagenaar (Eds.), Cultural Contestation. Heritage, Identity and the Role of Government (Cham 2018) 1-10.

  • Jeroen Rodenberg and Pieter Wagenaar , ‘Conclusion: Roles Governments Play in Shaping the Symbolic Landscape’ in: Jeroen Rodenberg & Pieter Wagenaar (Eds.), Cultural Contestation. Heritage, Identity and the Role of Government (Cham 2018) 315-325F.

  • Toon Kerkhoff, Ronald Kroeze, Pieter Wagenaar, Michel Hoenderboom, A History of Dutch Corruption and Public Morality (1648-1940)  (Newcastle upon Tyne 2020).

  • P. Wagenaar & J. Rodenberg, 'Listing to survive. Why the Dutch traveler community wanted to have its heritage officially recognized', International Journal of Cultural Policy 27:1 (2021) 117-129.

  • Rodenberg, J., Wagenaar, FP. & Burgers, G-J. (eds.), Calling on the Community: Understanding Participation in the Heritage Sector, an Interactive Governance Perspective (New York/Oxford 2023).

  • Rodenberg, J., Wagenaar, FP. & Burgers, G-J., ‘Introduction’ in: Rodenberg, J., Wagenaar, FP. & Burgers, G-J. (eds.), Calling on the Community: Understanding Participation in the Heritage Sector, an Interactive Governance Perspective (New York/Oxford 2023)1-4.

  • Rodenberg, J. & Wagenaar, FP., ‘Understanding the governance of heritage: A Plea for Using Public Administration Theories in Heritage Studies’ in: Rodenberg, J., Wagenaar, FP. & Burgers, G-J. (eds.), Calling on the Community: Understanding Participation in the Heritage Sector, an Interactive Governance Perspective (New York/Oxford 2023)7-27.

  • Wagenaar, FP. & Rodenberg, J., ‘Interacting with Governance: A Public Administration Perspective on Interactive Governance for Heritage Studies’ in: Rodenberg, J., Wagenaar, FP. & Burgers, G-J. (eds.), Calling on the Community: Understanding Participation in the Heritage Sector, an Interactive Governance Perspective (New York/Oxford 2023) 28-52.

  • Amsing, E., Wagenaar, FP., Rodenberg, J. & Renes, J., ‘Crafting Castella: Why Interactive Governance Led to Success in Reconstructing a Castellum in Utrecht but Not in Leiden’ in: Rodenberg, J., Wagenaar, FP. & Burgers, G-J. (eds.), Calling on the Community: Understanding Participation in the Heritage Sector, an Interactive Governance Perspective (New York/Oxford 2023) 93-115.

  • Wagenaar, FP. & Rodenberg, J., ‘Conclusion’ in: Rodenberg, J., Wagenaar, FP. & Burgers, G-J. (eds.), Calling on the Community: Understanding Participation in the Heritage Sector, an Interactive Governance Perspective (New York/Oxford 2023) 270-273.

  • Pieter Wagenaar, Jeroen Rodenberg, and Mark Rutgers, 'The crowding out of social values: on the reasons why social values so consistently lose out to other values in heritage management', International Journal of Heritage Studies 29:8 (2023) 759-772.

  • Jeroen Rodenberg, Pieter Wagenaar, ' Critical Understandings of Heritage Communities' In: I. Saloul, B. Baillie eds., The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict (Cham 2024) Macmillan.




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Dr F. Pieter Wagenaar

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Department of Political Science and Public Administration

Postal address:
De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam

Visiting address:
De Boelelaan 1102
1081 HV Amsterdam
Room 2E-50

Tel.: 0031-20-5986918

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